
  • G. Sorna Lakshmi MSc., MPhil., MEd, Assistant Professor in Biological Science, Padma Shree College of Education, India
  • Dr.M.Leonard Ashok Principal, CMS College of Education, Coimbatore, India




Teachers’ Attitude, Academic Achievement, Opinions, Views

Abstract [English]

Teacher attitude is simply defined as the views, opinions, ideas, feelings, fears, etc. of a teacher. The study aimed to examine the teachers’ attitude towards teaching programme. The investigator adopted survey method to study the teachers’ attitude towards teaching programme for this study a sample of 100 school teachers from five Govt and Private schools which are situated in and around Coimbatore district in Tamil Nadu were selected by the investigator using simple random sampling technique. The findings reveal that is inferred that there is no significant relationship between teacher’s attitude towards teaching program and the academic achievement of their students.


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How to Cite

Lakshmi, G. S., & Ashok, M. (2017). A STUDY ON TEACHERS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS TEACHING PROGRAM. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 5(5(SE), 63–68. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v5.i5(SE).2017.1968