
  • Dr. A. Subramanian Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Madras, Chennai-5, India




Time Management, Academic Achievement, School Students

Abstract [English]

Time Management is a set of principles, practices, skill, tool and systems that work together to help us to get more value out of our his/her time with the aim of improving the quality of our life. The most appropriate word which suites Time Management is self-management which helps us to keep stress to a maximum. Time is the scarcest resource and unless its management decides the success or the failure of an activity. Effective Time Management necessitates a sense of balance. Either extreme along the Time Management skill continuum can be problematic. On one hand, perfect Time Management skill do not make one a perfect student or employee. It is possible to excess time, such that one is so wrapped up in the minutiae that meaningful tasks are not accomplished. On the other hand, poor Time Management skill do not make one a stooge. Some brilliant peoples habitually are ‘a day late and a dollar short’. The main reason for managing time is just provide structure to one’s life and in turn, peace of mind. Managing time is just something one does for one’s own psyche, to make one’s days easier. It is important for a student to have effective strategies to manage his time to balance the conflicting demands of time for the study. Time Management skills are valuable for doing revision for examinations. Sometimes it may seem that there is not enough time to do everything that we need to. This can lead to a buildup of stress. When revising for examinations or during our final year when we have to combine the pressures of intensive study with finding time to apply for our task good management of our time can be particularly important. Once we have identification ways in which we can improve the management of our time, we can begin to adjust our routines and patterns of behaviour to reduce any time-related stress in our lives. Keeping this in view the paper has been prepared on some of the significance of Time Management and Academic Achievement of School Students.


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How to Cite

Subramanian, A. (2016). TIME MANAGEMENT AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 4(12SE), 6–15. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v4.i12SE.2016.2383