
  • Dr. Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, IRAN
  • Shirin Pour Haji Ali Farid East Azerbaijan BehzistiOrganization, Tabriz, IRAN



Organizational Relationship Management, Schematized Structure, Satisfactory Quality Scene Strategies, Satisfactory Quality Scene Relationship Management

Abstract [English]

The role of organizations is to implement strategy. A fundamental proposition in strategy is that distribution methods must be aligned with customers and competitive advantage. Unfortunately, method successful measurement literature has provided ambiguous guidance to managers. This paper proposes a relation of organizational relationship management by schematized structure and reviews the satisfactory quality scene strategies and performance measurement literature to develop a conceptual model and research propositions. In fact, organizations influence whether or not those organizations engage in satisfactory quality scene strategies. In this field, the focus is on the special characteristics of schematized structure such as education type and level. The facilitator manager's characteristics showing a significant association with a commitment to organizational relationship management and also organizational relationship management showed a positive association with those schematized structure with a growth orientation. It is concluded that facilitator manager's characteristics can be important in explaining and compilation the organizational relationship management within the organizations for implementation. This paper is to explore the ways in which certain characteristics of schematized structure of organizations generate a tendency to prepare formal written satisfactory quality scene strategies.


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How to Cite

Farahmand, N. F.- hi, & Farid, S. P. H. A. (2015). SATISFACTORY QUALITY SCENE RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT BY SCHEMATIZED STRUCTURE. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 3(4), 56–69.