
  • How-Gao Hsu Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN
  • Hsiu-Ching Shih Department of Applied English, De Lin Institute of Technology, Taipei, TAIWAN



Energy Conservation, Hands-On Experience, Informal Education, Teaching

Abstract [English]

This study aims to compile teaching materials designed for students to gain hands-on experience in energy conservation and carbon reduction, also to create maneuverable teaching tools to simulate renewable energy operation.  In order to achieve the set teaching goals, meetings of experts were summoned to verify and revise related literature as groundwork for the development of teaching tools.  To complete our teaching materials, we digitized and posted them on education network under energy conservation and carbon reduction so students can learn and assemble teaching tools online as well.  As a result of the integration of classroom instruction and the education computer network in information sharing among the students have become prevalent.  The results revealed the following: 1. the hands-on experience obtained on energy topics at the teacher's training camp helps to raise the energy consciousness of the college students. 2. the attitude, subjective norm and conscious behavior control of the college students will affect their behavioral intention on energy conservation and carbon reduction. 3. Hands-on experience with maneuverable teaching tools helps the elementary school students with their energy perception. 4. Learning from experience rather than knowledge from academic instruction tends to attract more learning interest from the students.


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How to Cite

Hsu, H.-G., & Shih, H.-C. (2014). ENERGY OPERATION NETWORK PROMOTION FOR MODELS OF INFORMAL EDUCATION. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2(1), 26–46.