
  • Renu Chaudhary Computer Science, Chandigarh Engineering College,Landran, Punjab, INDIA
  • Gagangeet Singh Computer Science, Chandigarh Engineering College,Landran, Punjab, INDIA




NoSQL, Big Data, SQL, Database, Scalability, MySQL

Abstract [English]

NoSQL databases (commonly interpreted by developers as „not only SQL databases‟ and not „no SQL‟) is an emerging alternative to the most widely used relational databases. As the name suggests, it does not completely replace SQL but compliments it in such a way that they can co-exist. In this paper we will be discussing the NoSQL data model, types of NoSQL data stores, characteristics and features of each data store, query languages used in NoSQL, advantages and disadvantages of NoSQL over RDBMS and the future prospects of NoSQL.

Motivation/Background:NoSQL systems exhibit the ability to store and index arbitrarily big data sets while enabling a large amount of concurrent user requests.

Method:Many people think NoSQL is a derogatory term created to poke at SQL. In reality, the term means Not Only SQL. The idea is that both technologies can coexist and each has its place.

Results:Large-scale data processing (parallel processing over distributed systems); Embedded IR (basic machine-to-machine information look-up & retrieval); Exploratory analytics on semi-structured data (expert level); Large volume data storage (unstructured, semi-structured, small-packet structured).

Conclusions:This study report motivation to provide an independent understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various NoSQL database approaches to supporting applications that process huge volumes of data; as well as to provide a global overview of this non-relational  NoSQL databases.


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How to Cite

Chaudhary, R., & Singh, G. (2014). A NOVEL TECHNIQUE IN NoSQL DATA EXTRACTION. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 1(1), 51–58. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v1.i1.2014.3086