
  • Dr. Gabriel Lajús Barrabeitg Full Professor and Senior Researcher at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana. Scientific Degree Advisor and Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Postgraduate and Research Department of the Victory Girón Faculty of Medical Sciences of said university in Cuba




Psychotherapy, Group psychotherapy, Predispositions,, Unconscious sets, Ustanovskas,, Systemic approach, Soviet Marxist psychologists

Abstract [English]

Introduction: With more than 52 years dedicated to psychotherapy, the National Center for Mental Health applies a technique, which has its origin in the Soviet school.
Objectives: Establish a comprehensive relearning to produce profound changes in the personality and achieve the enrichment, growth, spiritual and human development of the subject.
Methods: Designed to work in a group of 30 previously selected patients taking into account the inclusion, exclusion and exit criteria, with the use of methods, resources and strategies in psychotherapy that work on the unconscious groups in the face of the fear reaction and motivation. applying different modalities of psychotherapy and multiple therapeutic tools that, with an integrative approach.
Results: Contribution of an autochthonous, Cuban psychotherapy technique, conceived intime, thanks to the work experience of prestigious professors; necessary for the combatants and applicable, furthermore, in the neurotic disorders of the rest of the population.
Discussion: The mental health of the combatants needs to be protected against the demands of the environment, which, as a social being, is kept in constant dialectical interaction. Have a psychotherapy model where its results have been evaluated for years by cohort studies that demonstrated 80% effectiveness or cure; growth, enrichment, spiritual and human development with great satisfaction for patients and families, constitutes a contribution to science.
Conclusions: Provided a new model of autochthonous psychotherapy, which avoids therapeutic and psychopharmacological dependence, favors personal development, manages to reinsert the patient early into the community, reduce the average stay and lower hospital costs


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How to Cite

Barrabeitg, G. L. (2022). A THERAPEUTIC CONTRIBUTION FROM THE CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH: MULTIPUSSE PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR NEUROTIC DISORDERS. Journal of Ayurvedic Herbal and Integrative Medicine, 2(1), 13–26. https://doi.org/10.29121/j-ahim.v2.i1.2022.16