
Healing Protocols and Toxicology Tests for Sequelae of COVID‑19 Injectables


Ki-Yeob Jeon 1Icon

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1 MD, Jeonbuk National University, Republic of Korea (South Korea), PhD, Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea, ScD, Johns Hopkins University, USA


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In this article, first, healing protocols for successful detoxification, and second, toxicology tests for diagnosing sequelae of the COVID-19 experimental jabs, long COVID syndrome, and infectious shedding of harmful components from COVID-19 jabs-injected individuals or environments (such as chemtrail or mRNA-jabbed foods) are presented. The healing protocols consist of three categories: first, a cocktail of medications; second, behavioral changes; and third, healthy foods. The toxicology tests include microscopic examinations of graphene oxides (hydrogel), microchips, microrobots, inflammatory cells, and the morphology of red blood cells in samples primarily from blood, but also from urine, foot baths, sitz baths, skin extracts, and experimental injection vials to evaluate any human illnesses and monitor the effects of healing protocols.


Received 22 May 2024

Accepted 26 June 2024

Published 20 July 2024

Corresponding Author

Ki-Yeob Jeon,

DOI 10.29121/granthaalayah.v12.i6.2024.5696  

Funding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Copyright: © 2024 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the license CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute, and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.


Keywords: COVID-19 Injectables, Healing Protocols, Long COVID Syndrome, Shedding of Injectable Products, Sequelae from Experimental COVID-19 Injectable, Toxicology Tests, Graphene Oxide, Hydrogel, Microchips, Microrobots




1. INTRODUCTION Healing Protocols

1.1.    Three categories of healings

1.1.1.  The First Category: Medication

A combination or cocktail of various medications consisting of Azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, vitamins C, D, and zinc was found to be effective for the treatment of COVID-19 disease Jeon (2020b), Jeon et al. (2021). The author expanded the cocktail of medications by including aspirin, fenofibrate, melatonin, fexofenadine/cetirizine, ginkgo biloba extract, NAC, glutathione, Co-enzyme Q, thymosin-alpha, and EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) not only for treating SARS-CoV-2 disease but also for eliminating Graphene Oxides (GOs; or hydrogel), microchips, and pollutants in the COVID-19 experimental injections Jeon (2022b), Jeon (2023a), George & Brady (2023).

1)    EDTA chelation therapy

The U.S. FDA approved chelation therapy for lead poisoning George & Brady (2023). Patients reported feeling much better after the potential removal of cesium or yttrium-90 in COVID-19 experimental jabs Moderna (2020). Vitamin C, milk thistle, probiotics, and chlorella are known natural chelators.

2)    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

40 total sessions (once or twice a day) of HBOT improved quality of life, sleep, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and pain symptoms Hadanny et al. (2024).


1.1.2.  The Second Category: Behavioural Change

Behavioural changes include regularly consuming green tea and pine needle tea, using MMS2 solutions, eating curry, foot bathing, practicing 16-hour fasts with Bible reading, (walking barefoot on the ground or seashore), and avoiding 5G/6G hot spots, electric cars, and high-voltage electromagnetic fields.

1)    EGCG (Epigallocatechin-3-gallate)

EGCG in green tea (green tea catechin) may disintegrate mRNA spike proteins and reduce amyloidogenesis produced by mRNA spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 injections. Secker et al. (2023).

2)    16-hour fasting and spiritual activities

Practicing 16-hour fasting with meditation increases autophagy and AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) levels to boost innate immunity by stimulating type I interferon (IFN) and Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7). These mechanisms aid in recovering from the damage caused by the introduction (or, transfection) of various foreign DNAs in the COVID-19 experimental jabs into human DNA through injections Aldén et al. (2022), Hannan et al. (2020), Mihaylova & Shaw (2011). A study published in JAMA indicated that participation in faith-based services by believers significantly contributed to enhancing health outcomes Balboni et al. (2022). Spiritual services were found to reduce stress levels and improve the responsiveness of the human immune system Kim et al. (2021).

3)    The Role of the Korea Veritas Doctors (KoVeDocs) and Earthing

At the press conference on December 13, 2021, KoVeDocs publicized the presence of various harmful materials in the COVID-19 experimental jab vials. They introduced foot immersion bathing as a method to extract actively moving living organisms, Graphene Oxide (GO)-like objects, metal-like particles, and worm-like objects Jeon (2022a), Lee & Broudy (2024). Following the KoVeDocs press conference, there was a surge in Korea in using foot immersion bathing to remove these foreign materials. Many individuals who underwent foot immersion bathing extracted morgellons with hair-like GOs, indicating the presence of these GOs in human bodies regardless of receiving COVID-19 experimental injections Jeon (2022a), Melville (2024). Earthing (walking barefoot on soil or on the seashore) has also been shown to reduce harmful oxidative stress, enhance natural immunity and well-being, and aid in the recovery from various types of cancers Oschman (2015).

4)    Nasal spray, gargling, and charcoal

There are many brands of povidone-iodine for nasal spray and ophthalmic preparation Arefin (2022). Additionally, rinsing and gargling with a saline solution to clear the eyes, nose, and mouth are recommended during times of chemtrail contamination and nasal aerosolized mRNA nanoparticles Kim et al. (2024) . Given that COVID-19 experimental jabs use lipid nanoparticles, plant fibers, and charcoals that adhere to lipids, materials that can extract them from our body could be useful for detoxification Sugimoto et al. (2023).

5)    The Repurposing MMS2 (Calcium Hypochlorite) to destroy Graphene Oxides (Polyacrylamide Hydrogel filaments), microchips, and microrobots in the human body

The author repurposed MMS2 and reported that MMS2 destroyed GOs both urine and blood samples Jeon (2023a), Jeon et al. (2023b). MMS2, also known as Master Mineral Solution 2, Calcium Hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2), was recommended by the US Army Center for water disinfection Headquarters, Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force (2005).

MMS2 works by producing hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is the same compound produced by myeloperoxidase in neutrophils, eosinophils, mononuclear phagocytes, and B lymphocytes in human blood. Hypochlorous acid is known to convert GOs into harmless flavonoids and polyphenols Huang et al. (2021), Panasenko et al. (2013). Additionally, MMS2 may prevent GO-induced damages such as vessel occlusion, tissue damage, and prolonged inflammatory changes Castanheira & Kubes (2019).


1.1.3.  The Third Category: Healthy Food

1)    Repairing damaged nuclear DNAs and restoring innate immunity

Hamssine Cheonggukjang®, turmeric, resveratrol, Panax ginseng, or 16-hour fasting with meditation increases AMPK to restore the damaged innate immunity Kim et al. (2016). Smart Food DM® is recognized for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce exaggerated autoimmunity, lower blood glucose levels, and support recovery from inflammatory bowel diseases.

2)    Hamssine Cheonggukjang (a fermented mouse-eyed soybean [Seomok-tae]) garlic paste®

Bacillus subtilis var. natto is known to dissolve the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 in a dose- and time-dependent manner Tanikawa et al. (2022). After fermentation, non-GMO Seomok-tae becomes rich in vitamins and other nutrients. Genistein, which mimics estrogenic effects, reduces menopausal effects, has anti-cancer and anti-photoaging properties, and protects against osteoporosis Sharifi-Rad et al. (2021). The fermented product, Hamssine Cheonggukjang garlic paste®, contains 750 kinds of Bacillus subtilis variants, including the natto variant/subspecies. It activates AMPK, contains genistein Kim et al. (2016), and degrades of mRNA spike proteins, and helps repair damaged nuclear DNAs Mulroney et al. (2023), Steinberg & Hardie (2023). Microplastics or hydrogel nanotechnology microplastics could enter our bodies from the environment or through COVID-19 experimental injections Kozlov (2024), Marfella et al. (2024). Bacillus subtilis is known to digest microplastics Yang et al. (2023), which can cause inflammation in the tissue, fibrosis, and loss of organ structures Rivers-Auty et al. (2023). It reduces irritable bowel syndrome, improves memory and cognitive functions, increases stool frequency, and relieves inflammatory reactions. It also heals damaged nuclear DNA to decrease autoimmune diseases and cancers, possibly even those induced by mRNA spike proteins containing N1-methyl-pseudouridine(Ψ) Dimidi et al. (2019).


3)    Smart Food DM® and Artemisinin

Smart Food DM® is an excellent healing food for reducing inflammatory changes in our body and for detoxification from long COVID syndrome, shedding, and/or from COVID-19 experimental injections Jeon (2022b). It consists of several foods such as Houttuynia cordata, green tea, mulberry leaves, licorice, Coix agretis, and soybeans. Houttuynia cordata contains decanoilacetaldehyde which has antibiotic effects, and quercitrin, which has antioxidant effects. Green tea has EGCG. Mulberry leaves has polyphenol which have antioxidant effects. Licorice contains glycyrrhizin which has anti-inflammatory effects. Coix agretis contains coixenolide which has aniti-inflammatory effects. Soybeans contains lecithin which has anticancer effects, and genistein which has extrogen-like effects, and anti-aging effects Liang et al. (2022).

Artemisinin was combined with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to save lives from autoimmune diseases such as lupus nephritis by down-regulating the inflammatory nuclear factorκB pathway Liang et al. (2018). Additionally, the combination down-regulated inflammatory differentiation of CD4+ T cells in rats Bai et al. (2019). Thus, it may prevent cytokine storm, falsely-exaggerated inflammatory process of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and the overly-expressed autoimmune damages caused by N1-methylpseudouridine (m1 Ψ) modification in the mRNA COVID-19 experimental injections.

4)    Foods rich in antioxidants: Pineapples, curry, pine needle tea, Dandelion tea, raspberries, blue berries, black berries, cranberries, grapes, tomatoes, artichokes, prunes (dried plums), peanuts, pecans, kale, cabbage, fermented beans, apples, avocado, cocoa, Perilla frutescens, mushrooms, olive oil, sweet cherries, tomatoes, and wines

GOs or magnetic hydrogels in the COVID-19 experimental injections harm our bodies through physical destructions such as brain injury and neurotoxicity, DNA damage and epigenetic changes, mitochondrial damage, inflammatory response, increased reactive oxidative stress (ROS), mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis, cellular damage, and necrosis Ou et al. (2016). Oxidative stresses of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) incurred through COVID-19 experimental injections damage our cell structures, proteins, lipids, and DNAs Losada-Barreiro et al. (2022). Inflammatory cytokines such as IFNγ, IL-1β, IL-6, or TNFα, which are induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection (and, may be COVID-19 experimental injections as well) can trigger the formation of free radicals such as nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide radical (O2+) Wu (2020).

The aforementioned foods contain exogenous natural antioxidants such as ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), α-tocopherol (Vitamin E), β-carotene (Vitamin A), catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase. These antioxidants play a crucial role in supporting the body's endogenous antioxidant roles to protect the body and to scavenge specific reactive oxygen species (ROS). Vitamin C and vitamin E, along with selenium, to eliminate harmful lipid peroxides and to prevent or alleviate inflammatory reactions, autoimmune reactions in conditions like arthritis, asthma, brain deterioration such as Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes Pincemail & Meziane (2022).



Table 1

Table 1 Healing Protocols for Shedding and Sequelae of COVID‑19 Injectables   

(Personal Constitution, Characteristics, Allergic Conditions, and Other Factors Should Be Considered.) 


Healing Initiation for the first 10 days

4-month Healing


The First Category: Medication

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

200~300 mg daily

100-200mg daily

Some people may have allergies.


One Tablet or one-and- half Tablets daily

1Tablet daily or every other day

It is important to check your vision and QTc interval by using an electrocardiogram.


0.5 Tablet for 10 days or two Tablets for three days & one Tablet for 7 days more

0.5Tablet daily for 12 days monthly


0.5 Tablet or one Tablet once a day

Follow the prescriptions or advice given by your doctors.


One Tablet once a day for ten days

1 Tablet daily or every other day


Not recommended for individuals under 20 years old. One or two capsules daily


Take one tablet every night. Stop if you experience dizziness after taking medications.


Take one tablet once a day. Discontinue if you have any discomforts after taking the medication.


Take one tablet daily. Stop if you experience dizziness or severe dry mouth after taking the medication.

Vitamin C

Take two grams during each meal. Monitor your blood sugar levels. Discontinue use if you experience stomach ache after consumption.

Vitamin D and Zinc

Take one tablet daily. Stop if you experience any discomfort after taking the medication.

Ginkgo biloba extract

Take it twice a day. Stop if you experience discomfort after taking the medication.


Twice a week for 4 months, if possible.

NAC, glutathione, and CO-Q10

Take one tablet daily. Stop if you experience any discomfort after taking the medication.


Zelcom, Albendazole, or Biltricide (Praziquantel) may be helpful for skin crawling sensations.

EDTA chelation

Thrice a week of 1/5 ampoule for two months (approximately 25 times in total)

Side effects

Hyperbaric Oxygen

40 total sessions (once or twice a day) or twice a week for 4 months

Side effects

The Second Category: Behavioural Change

Green Tea

Take one to three cups a day. If you are allergic to EGCG or caffeine, it is not recommended.

Some people may have allergy.

Pine Needle Tea

One cup daily. If your body feels cold after drinking Pine Needle Tea, you can switch to Dandelion Tea instead.

Curry 2 times a week

Adjust to yourself. Consume curry dishes, which contain curcumin, one to four times a week.

Foot Immersion Bathing or earthing

Foot bathing for one to two hours, five times a week. Walking barefoot on an asphalt or cement-covered road is ineffective.

Careful when you have swollen legs.

MMS2 (Calcium Hypochlorite) Solution

Begin with one drop of the solution in 250 cc of drinking water. Drink once to thrice a day. Then increase gradually to eight or ten drops daily.

Not Sodium Hypochlorite

16-hour Fasting with Bible Reading/Hymning/Praying

Once a week (e.g., water drinking only from Friday, 2 PM to Saturday, 6 AM) with sincere Bible reading, praying, and hymning.

Careful when you have DM.

Keep away from 5G/6G, Electricity cars, Electromagnetic fields, chemtrails, mRNA contaminants in injectables, foods, or in patches

Turn off cellular phones and Wi-Fi during your sleep. Avoid proximity to 5G/6G spots or high-voltage transmission lines.

Cancer/cardiac protection

Many people experience headaches, nausea, and chest tightness when they use electric cars or buses.

Povidone-iodine for nasal spray, ophthalmic preparation

There are many brands of ophthalmic preparations and nasal sprays available, as well as saline (NaCl) water solutions for ophthalmic, nasal, and mouth gargling purposes.

Arefin (2022), Kim et al. (2024).

Charcoal + plant fiber

It reduces visceral adipose tissue and may help eliminate toxic substances from the gut.

Sugimoto et al. (2023)

The Third Category: Healthy non-GMO Foods

Hamssine Cheonggukjang garlic paste®

It contains 750 subspecies of Bacillus subtilis that can promote a healthy gut microbiome, repair damaged nuclear DNA, eliminate foreign mRNA such as spike proteins, hydrogel nanotechnology, and microplastics, and reduce abnormal autoimmune responses.

Some people may have allergy.

Smart Food DM®

It contains several plants and foods such as Houttuynia cordata, green tea, mulberry leaves, licorice, Coix agrestis, and soybeans. This mixture is rich in quercitrin, EGCG, lecithin, genistein, and glycyrrhizin.


It contains artemisinin, niacin, and zinc.

Makgorang Bokgurang®

It provides calcium and Vitamin D with nano-grinding technology from Apexel.

Panax ginseng

It may protect from influenza and inflammatory changes. Some people may experience stomach aches, skin allergies, or heart and blood sugar problems.

Foods/fruits/beverage rich in antioxidants

Pineapples, curry, pine needle tea, Dandelion tea, raspberries, blue berries, black berries, cranberries, grapes, tomatoes, artichokes, prunes (dried plums), peanuts, pecans, kale, cabbage, fermented beans, apples, avocado, cocoa, Perilla frutescens, mushrooms, olive oil, sweet cherries, tomatoes, and wines

GMO food, substitute meat, indigestible insect foods, and highly purified foods are not recommended.


Table 1.  The table shows three categories of strategies for achieving freedom from long COVID syndrome, shedding, and/or side effects of experimental COVID-19 injections. The first category involves the use of specific medications such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Glutathione, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Azithromycin/Doxycycline, Aspirin, Fenofibrate, Melatonin, Ivermectin, Thymosin Alpha, and anti-parasitic drugs to eliminate harmful substances from COVID-19 experimental injections. The second category includes behavioral modifications such as utilizing MMS2 solutions, consuming curry (abundant in curcumin), regular foot baths, grounding by walking barefoot on the earth, fasting for 16 hours, and engaging in activities like Bible reading, praying, and hymn singing. It is crucial to minimize exposure to 5G/6G and electromagnetic fields. The third category involves the consumption of specific products like Hamssine Cheonggukjang garlic paste®, Smart Food DM®, Artemisinin/Artesin-N®, Makgorang Bokgurang®, Panax ginseng, and non-genetically modified organism (GMO) foods rich in antioxidants such as cranberries, blueberries, grapes, peanuts, wine (containing resveratrol), and pineapples (containing bromelain).


2. Introduction to Toxicology Tests

Covid-19 experimental jabs have been administered to individuals worldwide at a rate of 170.26 doses per 100 people Our World in Data. (2024). Those who experience shedding or long COVID syndrome are often advised to consult psychiatric professionals and may face isolation from their churches, neighbourhoods, and even family members. It is crucial for our society to understand the consequences of Covid-19 experimental vaccinations, shedding, and the risks posed to individuals exposed to strong electromagnetic fields or to 5G/6G technology.

They usually complained of generalized weakness, fatigue, dizziness, syncope, falls, strong and unusual headaches, easy and sudden emotional changes, difficulty in emotional control, intermittent and explosive anger, muscle twitching, numbness or coldness in extremities, difficulty in concentration, brain fog, difficulty in reading, understanding, or memory loss, loss of or changes in smell, chest tightness, intermittent cramping abdominal pains and bloating, edema in lower extremities, intermittent chest pain & palpitations, shortness of breath, intractable itching, skin lesions, sensations of crawling on the skin, back pain, hip joint pain, and sudden and unexpected cancers.


2.1.    The Identification of Sequelae Patients

The toxicology tests should help to make a diagnosis for patients’ conditions and be a barometer of responses to the detoxifying treatments or healing protocols. There could be several categories to evaluate patients’ conditions as seen in Table 2. A consensus may be needed to generalize the toxicology tests and to grade the severity of toxic status. The author’s clinic assigns scores to each item of the blood toxicology tests: total GO/microchip size (4 points for over 100 micrometers, 3 points for over 75 to 99, 2 points for over 50 to 75, 1 point for 1 to 49, 0 points for no GO/microchip); total size of dough-like inflammatory mass (4 points for over 750 micrometers, 3 points for 500-749, 2 points for 250-449, 1 point for 1-249, 0 points for no inflammatory mass); number of actively moving microrobots (4 points for over 7 particles, 3 points for 4-6, 2 points for 2-3, 1 point for 1); number of inflammatory cells (4 points for over the slide surface; 3 points for 3/4 over the slide, 2 points for 1/2 of the slide, 1 point for 1/4 of the slide, 0 points for less than 1/4 of the slide), number of crenated RBCs (4 points for over 20, 3 points for 10-19, 2 points for 5-9, 1 point for 1-5, 0 for 0), number of RBC rouleau (4 points for over 10 or large, 3 points for 6-9 or medium, 2 points for 3-5 or moderate, 1 point for 1-2 or slight, 0 points for 0), and total score: 24 points (severe [upper 80%] for over 18 points, upper medium [60-79%] for 12-17, moderate [40-59%] for 7-11, slight [20-39%] for 3-6, and absent[ <20%] for 0-2).

Table 2

Table 2 Toxicology Test for Shedding and Sequelae of COVID‑19 Injectables  

(Consensus May Be Needed to Assess the Extent of Damage to Human Health.)

Names of Test


Contents for Toxicology Test


1. Animal Experiment: “Warp Speed” vaccine development paved the way for the HHS and FDA to allow human tests without prior animal testing.

O’Callaghan (2020), Jeon (2020c)

2. DNA sequencing:  All Pfizer vectors contain SV40 Promoter/Enhancer/Origin/polyA signal.

Lee (2023), McKernan (2023)

3.  Electron Microscopy: Detection of Graphene Oxide (or hydrogel, microrobots, microchips) in Aqueous Suspension of Comirnaty.

Campra (2021)

4.  Checking the strength of the MAC ID and the electromagnetic field in our environment and human bodies: The Media Access Control (MAC) address, a 12-digit code, can serve as an identification for a specific individual—enabling global identification, monitoring, education, and control.

Jeon et al. (2023b),

Abramson et al. (2020)

5. Blood Markers: Anti-cancer markers include Macrophage 1 (IL6, TNF), which promote inflammation. Pro-cancer markers include Macrophage 2 (IL8, TGFβ1, SPP1 [secreted phosphoprotein 1]), which have anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, IFN-1 and nuclear factor kappaB activity are present.

Chung (2021), Liu et al. (2021), Zong et al. (2021), Wei et al. (2023)

6. Light Microscopy Examination:

1. Urine

1. Number and size of organized structures

Jeon (2022b), Jeon et al. (2023b)

2. Number and size of graphene oxide (hydrogel ribbon, filament, etc.)

3. Number and size of antenna-like structures

4. Number and size of Microchip-like structures

2. Blood

1. Number and size of graphene oxide (hydrogel ribbon) or microchip

Jeon (2022a), Jeon, et al. (2023b)

2. Number and size of dough-like mound structures

Lee et al. (2022)

3. Number and Size of Microrobots

4. Number and size of inflammatory cells/white blood cells

5. Number and size of crenated red blood cells (echinocytes)

6. Number and size of red blood cell (RBC) rouleaux

3. Others—samples from foot bath, sitz baths, skin extracts, and COVID-19 experimental injection vials.

Jeon et al. (2023b),

Lee & Broudy (2024)


Table 2 presents various suggested methods for conducting toxicology tests for COVID-19 experimental vaccines. The FDA in the United States, along with equivalent national institutions in other countries, did not conduct these toxicology tests, citing the Warp Speed Emergency Use Authorization. These tests, which involve blood markers and light microscopic examinations, can be utilized for diagnosing and monitoring the effects of COVID-19 experimental injections on both humans and animals, including shedding and other mRNA experimental injections/patches/foods.


2.1. Patient Cases

The author presented three patient cases. By reviewing them, doctors and scientists can reach a consensus on toxicology tests to establish standardized diagnostic and follow-up criteria for treatment and healing progression.

1)    52-year-old male (Mr. Kim) with intermittent palpitations, a pulse rate of 115 beats per minute, severe cramping headache, brain fog, and panic disorder. He had received two experimental COVID-19 injections and had experienced two confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 disease). His chemistry results in April 2024 showed slightly elevated levels of AST/ALT/gamma-GTP/cholesterol/triglycerides at 159/46/10/215/374. The toxicology study of his untreated blood in April 2024 is illustrated in the left column of Figure 1. Subsequently, he underwent healing protocols for several weeks, after which his symptoms had largely subsided.

On May 8, 2024, his blood toxicology study after three weeks of health protocol treatment showed significantly improved conditions, as depicted in the right column of Figure 1. His levels of AST/ALT/gamma-GTP/cholesterol/triglycerides were 29/28/25/176/152.

Figure 1

Figure 1 The blood was centrifuged for 30 minutes at 2,500 rpm, and the upper plasma was examined using stereomicroscopy at a magnification of 250. Before the healing protocols treatment on April 17, the blood toxicology analysis revealed a skein-like GO particle measuring 296 micrometers, a cane-like GO particle 1,107 micrometers long, and a pupa-like GO particle measuring 151 micrometers. Additionally, rouleaux-formed red blood cells were observed in the initial toxicology study.

His blood toxicology test on May 8, 2024, revealed the following results in the right column: Various sizes of round mounds of degraded graphene oxides (GOs) or inflammatory dough (60 micrometers, 90 micrometers, 117 micrometers, 119 micrometers) and actively moving micro-robots (19 micrometers, 20 micrometers, 28 micrometers) were detected.


Figure 1

Before (April 17, 2024)

After (May 8, 2024))

1. Number and size of graphene oxide (hydrogel ribbon) or microchip



2. Number and size of dough-like mound structures



3. Number and Size of Microrobots



4. Number and size of inflammatory cells/white blood cells



5. Number and size of crenated red blood cells (echinocytes)



6. Number and size of red blood cell (RBC) rouleaux



Total Score

20 (severe)

7 (moderate)


2)    69-year-old woman, Ms. Hwang, received two doses of experimental COVID-19 jabs and underwent two PCR tests. She visited my clinic with newly developed hypertension, measuring 200/100. She reported dizziness, loss of muscle strength, and two falls. She also had intermittent coughing and chest tightness. Despite occasional headaches and high blood pressure, she declined antihypertensive medication. Blood tests on April 15, 2024, showed mild anemia. The results of her pre-treatment blood toxicology tests on the same date are presented in the odd (1st and 3rd) columns of Figure 2. After four weeks of treatment with healing protocols, her symptoms improved significantly.

Her blood toxicology tests on May 14, 2024, showed significantly improved conditions, as depicted in the even (2nd and 4th) columns of Figure 2. Her blood pressure normalized almost completely without the need for any antihypertensive medications.

Figure 2

Figure 2 On April 15, 2024, the untreated blood in the odd (1st and 3rd) columns showed GOs (108 micrometers, 130x176 micrometers, and 367 micrometers long), numerous red blood cell (RBC) rouleaux, and several moving micro-robots among inflammatory cells.

Her blood toxicology tests on May 14, 2024, showed significantly improved conditions, as evident in the even (2nd and 4th) columns. The small inflammatory particles in the background were mostly cleared, with a few demonstrable moving micro-robots remaining. Red blood cell rouleaux were formed and appeared as gold-colored inflammatory dough


Figure 2

Before (April 15, 2024)

After (May14, 2024))

1. Number and size of graphene oxide (hydrogel ribbon) or microchip



2. Number and size of dough-like mound structures



3. Number and Size of Microrobots



4. Number and size of inflammatory cells/white blood cells



5. Number and size of crenated red blood cells (echinocytes)



6. Number and size of red blood cell (RBC) rouleaux



Total Score

19 (severe)

7 (moderate)


3)    30-year-old woman (Ms. Jang) received two COVID-19 experimental jabs in 2021 and underwent three PCR tests. She experienced severe chest pains twice, severe back pain, and a moderate fever. In February 2022, she was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2. During this period, she suffered from severe back pain and was bedridden for three days. In January 2024, she suddenly experienced difficulty breathing and her vision darkened. She felt palpitations, light headedness, dizziness, severe weakness, and almost fainted. After resting for 15 minutes, she spontaneously recovered. She encountered chest tightness, whitened brain phenomena, and breathlessness in January and February 2024. By the end of April 2024, she developed a severe cough and a slight fever. On May 9, 2024, she was diagnosed with pneumonia and received treatment at a city hospital, which was unsuccessful. She then visited Jeon’s clinic with her father. Jeon recommended that she be admitted to the clinic, leading to a heated argument with her father about the admission. Eventually, she agreed to be admitted. The author observed many cases where individuals became very angry (showing emotional changes) upon learning about potential adverse effects of COVID-19 experimental jabs. These individuals also experienced autonomic dysfunctions such as vasovagal syncope, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or orthostatic hypotension. Ms. Jang fainted twice in January and February 2024. Jeon speculated that these incidents might be linked to damage to VMAT2 (Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2, God’s gene), which regulates monoamine neurotransmission in CNS neurons Eiden & Weihe (2011), and the limbic system, caused by long COVID-19 or COVID-19 experimental vaccinations Taskiran-Sag & Yazgi (2023). On the admission day of May 14, 2025, she had a blood test and chest X-ray. Her blood chemistry showed mild abnormalities with increased D-dimer/glucose/gamma-GTP levels of 0.64/170/56. Her chest X-ray revealed ground-glass opacities in both lower lungs. Category 1 treatment of the healing protocols was initiated. This treatment was carried out for 7 days, during which her persistent coughing, weakness, mild fever elevation, and chest pain decreased. On May 21, 2025, her blood was tested again. On May 23, 2024, she underwent a follow-up chest X-ray, and she was discharged as her symptoms and chest X-ray had improved. However, there was a discrepancy between the results of the blood toxicology test (Figure 3) at Jeon’s clinic and the results of the blood chemistry tests and chest X-ray follow-up, which are generally accepted in most hospitals and clinics. She was advised to undergo category 2 and 3 treatments of the healing protocols after discharge. Her second follow-up chest X-ray and blood toxicology tests were conducted on June 2, 2024 (Figure 3 & Figure 4).

 Figure 3

A collage of images of a cell

Description automatically generated

Figure 3 On the admission day of May 14, 2025, her blood chemistry showed some abnormalities with elevated D-dimer/glucose/gamma-GTP levels of 0.64/170/56. Her untreated blood in the first column of Figure 3 revealed: first, a graphene oxide-like mass (137 x 117 micrometers) and another graphene oxide-like mass (157 x 156 micrometers) with inflammatory cells and many actively moving microrobots; second, multiple RBC rouleaux and a dough-like mixed mass (294 micrometers long) of inflammatory cells and actively moving microrobots. Her chest X-ray on May 14, 2024 (the Right Lower quadrant picture of Figure 4) indicated COVID-19 pneumonia in both lower lung fields, showing ground glass opacities (GGO), despite her previous negative PCR test in the prior city.

On May 21, 2025, her blood was tested. The blood toxicology test, as shown in the second column of Figure 3, revealed the following: first, there was a significant presence of inflammatory cells and GO (graphene oxide measuring 362 x 271 micrometers); and second, there were large dough-like mixed masses (one measuring 51 x 362 x 1,296 x 293 x 927 micrometers and the other 248 x 308 micrometers) consisting of inflammatory cells and microrobots. General chemistry tests yielded normal results. On May 23, 2024, chest X-rays also showed improvement (the Right Upper quadrant and the Left Low quadrant of Figure 4), with only remnants of her GGO lesions visible.

On June 2, 2024, her blood toxicology test (the third column of Figure 3) and chest X-ray (upper row, left column of Figure 4) were conducted, showing improvements.


Figure 4

Before-Treatment (May 14, 2024)

After-Treatment 1 (May 21, 2024)

After-Treatment 2 (June 2, 2024)

1. Number and size of graphene oxide (hydrogel ribbon) or microchip




2. Number and size of dough-like mount structure




3. Number and Size of Microrobots




4. Number and size of inflammatory cells/white blood cells




5. Number and size of crenated red blood cells (echinocytes)




6. Number and size of red blood cell (RBC) rouleaux




Total Score

17 (upper medium)

14 (upper medium)

11 (moderate)


Figure 4

Figure 4 Chest X-ray on May 14, 2024, revealed ground-glass opacities (GGOs) in both lower lung fields (lower row, right picture of Figure 4).

After one week of Category 1 treatment in the healing protocols, her follow-up chest X-rays were reviewed on May 23, 2024. The ground-glass opacities in both lower lung fields had decreased. (Chest PA: Upper row, right picture; Right Lateral Chest X-ray: Lower row, left-side picture of Figure 4).

She was discharged on May 23, 2024, and had a follow-up on June 2, 2024. Her chest X-ray (upper row, left picture) showed nearly cleared ground-glass opacities (GGO) lesions in both lower lungs.


3. Discussion

1)    Contents of the COVID-19 Injectables

Official records and documents have been used to show that the COVID-19 virus was a “Frankenstein” created through gain-of-function research and primarily funded by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under the direction of Anthony Fauci Yan et al. (2020), Fleming (2021), Kennedy (2021), Huff & Lyons (2023). The virus was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020 Ghebreyesus (2020). However, its impact from 1919 through 2020, before the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines, was not significantly different from a regular flu season Beattie (2021), Rancourt (2022), Rancourt et al. (2023), Chossudovsky (2024). Following the administration of billions of doses of COVID-19 injectables, approximately a million excess deaths were documented in 2021 and 2022 Beattie (2021), Rancourt (2022), Rancourt et al. (2023), Mead et al. (2024). The COVID-19 experimental injectables are now known to be bioweapons. Among their harmful components are 500 times more foreign DNA fragments than allowed by the FDA. The injectables also contain segments of the AIDS retrovirus, SV-40 cancer virus, and many N1-pseudouridine(Ψ), the self-reproducing modified RNA associated with synthetic clots Nyström & Hammarström (2022), Santiago & Oller (2023), turbo cancers Mead et al. (2024), may cause prion disease Perez et al. (2023), and other debilitating and ultimately lethal turbo cancers.

Samples of the injectables incubated in controlled conditions generate self-assembling foreign entities Lee & Broudy (2024). Some of them resemble parasites similar in shape to Trypanosoma cruzi, hydra vulgaris, Morgellons, and helminths Benzi Cipelli et al. (2022), Hughes (2022), Jeon (2022a). Additionally, blood, urine, foot bath, and skin extracts from COVID-19 experimental jabs injected people, and NOVA experimental jabs Jeon et al. (2023b), as well as incubated experimental jabs under controlled laboratory conditions especially the Pfizer and Moderna products generated self-assembling computer-chip-like structures Lee & Broudy (2024) that seemed to be the basis for activation by WiFi and cell phones European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance. (2021), Goudjil & European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance. (2021), Hughes (2024). According to the published 2020 patent application to the World Intellectual Property Organization by Microsoft, the concept of a “cryptocurrency system using body activity data”, was already feasible in 2019 Abramson et al. (2020).


2)    Prohibited Treatments for COVID-19

As soon as it was known that SARS-CoV-2 was an engineered bioweapon, recommendations against the repurposing of drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and/or ivermectin for the treatment of the COVID-19 diseases also became prohibited Berg (2021). It seems clear now that the COVID-19 injectables were part of a long-range plan to reduce the world’s population — as documented Kennedy (2021), Wakefield & Kennedy (2022). Such a program was suggested by Bill Gates with the use of vaccines Gates (2010) just after he and Melinda Gates committed $10 billion to the World Health Organization to help promote such population control vaccines Higgins (2010). Now that more than 5.2 billion people have received one or more doses of the COVID-19 injectables Pharmaceutical Technology. (2024), and worldwide data showed dramatic increases in all-cause mortality Beattie (2021), Rancourt (2022), Rancourt (2023), it is hardly surprising that promoters of the COVID-19 injectables would oppose the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin along with azithromycin, which have been found to be effective against COVID-19 diseases Jeon (2020b), Risch (2020).

An important published argument appeared on October 15, 2021, from Nebraska’s Attorney General, Douglas J. Peterson.

“the Lancet published a paper denouncing hydroxychloroquine as dangerous Mehra et al. (2020). Yet the statistics were so flawed. … The Lancet’s own editor-in-chief admitted that the paper was a fabrication, a monumental fraud Roni Caryn Rabin. (2020), and ‘a shocking example of research misconduct in the middle of [p. 2] a global health emergency’ Boseley & Davey (2020)..… Allowing physicians to consider the early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of the hospital, and provide for relieve for our already strained healthcare system” (in Hilgers (2021), pp. 47).


Omitting hydroxychloroquine from the list of therapeutic drugs for treating COVID-19 disease undoubtedly cost many lives Jeon (2020a), McCullough & Oskoui, (2020), McCullough et al. (2021). Hydroxychloroquine interferes with the endocytic pathway of the spike protein, restricting its binding to the angiotensin-converting enzyme receptors, and thus preventing the cytokine storm that commonly accompanies COVID-19 disease Satarker et al. (2020), Blaylock (2021), Blaylock (2022a), Blaylock (2022b) .


3)    Sequelae-causing Mysteries of COVID-19 Experimental Jabs

The data integrity of Pfizer’s injection trial (C4591001) was flawed, which obscured an over 3.7-fold increase in cardiac deaths in the COVID-19 injected group compared to the control group Thacker (2021) , Michels et al. (2023). There was a report that 30 out of the studied 58 countries or 44.8% of the 5.8 billion people, had lower than 4 COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 people in 6 weeks, which would be fewer than the projected risk of death associated with COVID-19 vaccinations Oh et al. (2021).

Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman won the 2023 Nobel Prize for their 2005 research on the crucially modified nucleoside in the “mRNA” of the spike protein Karikó et al. (2005). Later, the N1-methylpseudouridine (m1 Ψ) modification was known Andries et al. (2015), Chen et al. (2022). The research on the N1-methylpseudouridine (m1 Ψ) modification facilitated the rapid development of mRNA COVID-19 injections increasing their efficacy from 48% to over 90% Morais et al. (2021). Since our own immune system can not only target the homologues proteins made of pseudouridine (Ψ) or N1-methylpseudouridine (m1 Ψ) but also its own proteins, cells, and tissues, it may also lead to immunodeficiency syndromes, allergies, or fatal autoimmune diseases Santiago & Oller (2023). Recently, the European Union (EU) recognized that COVID-19 experimental jabs damaged the human immune system, resulting in more deaths from various infections and cancers Toledo (2022).

In addition to the change of uridine to methyl- pseudouridine(Ψ) Gang et al. (2021), the potential components of the COVID-19 jab—such as the multi-functional magnetic hydrogels (MHs) and GOs in the PEGylated lipids—could be transported to the targeted specific sites by Ai hydrogels to create biosynthetic objects like “mysterious fibrous clots” Dowd (2022). Moreover, there were batch-to-batch differences of adverse outcomes in COVID-19 injections: three distinct linear regressive correlations were observed in the Suspected Adverse Events (SAEs) from 10,793,766 doses of 52 different batches of BNT162b2 COVID-19 experimental injections Schmeling et al. (2023) .

The genetic fragments of Simian Virus 40 (SV-40) were found in many vials of Pfizer COVID-19 by two independent scientists Lee (2023), McKernan et al. (2023). The current COVID-19 mRNA experimental jabs exceeded the upper limit set by the FDA for contaminated DNAs by 188 to over 500 times Speicher et al. (2023). The COVID-19 experimental injections have harmful ingredients and self-assembling amyloid-like nanostructures. Jeon (2022b), Morozova et al. (2023) The more COVID-19 experimental injections a person has received, the more likely they are to accumulate harmful ingredients, self-assembling amyloid-like nanofibers, and integrate contaminated DNAs from COVID-19 jabs into their genome. This increases the likelihood of sudden deaths, amyloid-like diseases, and turbo-cancerous changes in the body of that person Zapatka et al. (2023).


4)    A Paradigm Shift

Department of Health and Human Services found that the FDA inspected only 1% of clinical trial sites and neglected to address issues such as falsified data, unblinded patients, and poor follow-ups on adverse events at clinical trial sites in Texas Thacker (2021). Some researchers reported that “risk interval of 0-42 days only” and made a conclusion that “multi-country analysis confirmed pre-established safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barre´ syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis” Faksova et al. (2024). However, there may be three fundamental errors in the report, and the conclusion could be falsified. According to the report, the study might have only followed up for 35 days (likely, from 8-42 days) instead of its argument for 42 days (from 0-42 days) follow-up. Second, the study cannot be generalized due to the skewed distribution of the vaccinated population. The study noted that “Most vaccine recipients were in the 20–39 and 40–59-year age group.” However, the majority of the COVID-19 experimental jabs-injected recipients were over 60 years old, who were more likely to have experienced sequelae of COVID-19 jabs. Third, there could be three different stages for the evaluation of COVID-19 experimental jabs and long-term evaluation was necessary Jeon et al. (2023b): first, spike proteins were detected on circulating exosomes and were surprisingly transmissible by 4 months after COVID-19 experimental injections Bansal et al. (2021); and peak excess deaths occurred at 5 months after the COVID-19 experimental injection Sy (2023). In addition, toxicology tests in Table 2 of this article were necessary to thoroughly investigate the nature of COVID-19 jabs.

In 2024, the societal climate appears to be shifting. The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit upheld in Colorado on May 7, 2024, that a religious exemption should be applied to all vaccines including COVID-19 experimental jabs (Appellate Case: 21-1414, 2024). Arizona state declared the experimental mRNA COVID-19 injectables as a bioweapon based on Pfizer’s own clinical statistics of 1,223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, and an alarming 158,000 adverse incidents Chris Wick. (2024). Pfizer was fined 34,800 pounds by the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) because a Pfizer UK medical director retweeted a post from a US employee claiming the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine was effective in preventing COVID-19, which was found to be inaccurate. The PMCPA determined that the post lacked references to adverse events and safety information, and disseminated misleading information Cameron (2024). Previously, Dr Fleming argued in his book that COVID-19 injections could be a lethal bioweapon Fleming (2021).

In the Republic of Korea, no individuals under the age of 20, pregnant women, or breastfeeding women died due to SARS-CoV-2 before the implementation of mandatory COVID-19 experimental injections and the COVID-19 Vaccine Passports. However, following the compulsory COVID-19 injections for young students, 18 schoolchildren and adolescents died, and over 800 young children and adolescents were severely injured after COVID-19 injections in the Republic of Korea. The families of the deceased are uniting to challenge the Korean Government's apathetic stance and callous reactions towards their demands for rectifying the issues related to coercive COVID-19 vaccinations and the Vaccine Passport System for individuals under the age of 20 Naver. tv. (2024).


5)    Transhumanism, Human 2.0, and Spirituality

Dr. Andreas Noack (Figure 5) and many others, including the late Prof. Luc Montagnier, dedicated their lives to speaking the truth in a world filled with disinformation and falsehoods.

Figure 5

A person in a suit

Description automatically generated

Figure 5 U-Tube Presentation on December 10, 2021. Jeon’s U-Tube presentation on December 10, 2021 was about the information of Dr. Andreas Noack’s homicide and about the 278% increased death among athletes during their soccer games. His U-Tube contents were erased, but information about the late Dr. Andreas Noack remains (, 2021). Dr. Andreas Noack was attacked by police officers and died after the attack. His presentation on U-Tube was about the government’s brutal and genocidal behaviors even after it knew that COVID-19 experimental injections contained razor-like behaving graphene oxides (or graphene hydroxide) in them.


One of the ultimate goals of COVID-19 experimental jabs is to pave the way for the advancement of human 2.0, humanoid, or transhuman individuals, potentially leading to make human slaves. Upon receiving a COVID-19 experimental vaccine, a person is assigned a 12-digit ID known as the Media Access Control (MAC) address, which can be used for patient monitoring or personal identification Akbar et al. (2022) (Figure 6). All behaviors, emotions, and thoughts can be monitored, regulated, and even manipulated by external AIs and supercomputers. This new form of human control has been established and programmed through World Patent WO2020060606A1 and Korea Patent 10-2017-0090373 Abramson et al. (2020). However, US Patent 11,107,588 B2 acknowledges that this 12-digit ID represents partial IDs. The patent indicates that a second ID number will be generated after a certain period, followed by the creation of “a new ID” optionally after a period of time Ehrlich (2021).

The author observed that some individuals' partial 12-digit ID was either disappeared or weakened by the healing protocols. Additionally, many people reported erasing their partial ID through MMS2 solution or Foot Immersion Bathing. The author believes that it is the opportune moment to engage in the healing protocols to eliminate partial IDs, to sever this newly established human bondage, and to break free from becoming transhuman, human 2.0, or human slaves—humanoids. Specifically, individual rights and self-determination regarding the acceptance or rejection of COVID-19 experimental jabs should be honoured, and the WHO Pandemic Treaty/Agreement, which infringes upon these rights and self-determination, should be discarded.

Figure 6

A collage of images of a person with a green patch on their arm

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Figure 6 These pictures depict a magnet being attached to the arms of individuals who have received experimental COVID-19 jabs. The electromagnetic field strength of their bodies was measured at 387 v/m and 216 v/m. Each vaccinated individual exhibited a unique 12-digit ID (Media Access Control Address) as shown in the right column. These 12-digit IDs are linked to Bluetooth technology, 5G/6G networks, and ultimately connected to AI or supercomputers.


6)    Detoxification and Healing

Dr Peter McCullough introduced nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin as agents targeted against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein McCullough et al. (2023). He admitted that nattokinase from Bacillus subtilis var. natto disintegrated the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 in a dose- and time-dependent manner Tanikawa et al. (2022). There was a report that healing and detoxifying foods helped people find relief from COVID-19-related pain, death, and long-term sequelae, as well as from symptoms of long COVID-19 syndrome, shedding, and/or from the side effects of COVID-19 experimental injections Jeon (2022b).

Recent studies have recommended the use of small interfering RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) for detoxification in mRNA vaccine technology, including experimental COVID-19 injections. These innovative techniques aim to neutralize the mRNA in COVID-19 experimental injections Hulscher et al. (2024). The key advantage of these methods is their specific targeting of the mRNA encoding the spike protein. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin exhibit similar functions by inhibiting RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and additionally blocking the attachment of spike proteins to the cellular receptor ACE2, as well as inflammatory cytokine reactions Satarker et al. (2020), Zaidi & Dehgani-Mobaraki (2022). Ivermectin's efficacy has been supported by a meta-analysis Bryant et al. (2021). Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine act synergistically Patri & Fabborocini (2020).

President Trump mentioned the potential of quantum healing technologies such as Med Beds to the nation on June 14, 2020. However, in contrast, we should emphasize the importance of preserving the purity of human DNA Greere (2022).


7)    Identifying Patients and Monitoring Their Condition

Most of the patients experiencing the aftermath of COVID-19 experimental injections or shedding were in distress and frustration as their conditions could not be classified or diagnosed. This underscores the need for a toxicology test to identify individuals who are genuinely suffering from the consequences of COVID-19 experimental injections or shedding but are not being acknowledged by other healthcare providers or the general public. Such a test could also aid in monitoring the progression of patients' conditions as their diseases evolve.


4. Summary

1)    Healing Protocols: Three categories of healing from long COVID (SARS-CoV-2), shedding, and/or COVID-19 sequelae

All the world may need to heal and recover from the damages caused by SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. The various healing methods have been summarized into three categories of healing protocols.

·        The First Category: Medication

Cocktail medications, which include Vitamin C, D, zinc, Ivermectin, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), glutathione, and Azithromycin (AZM), could alleviate symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 disease) and have also been used to treat the consequences of shedding and COVID-19 experimental jabs.

·        The Second Category: Behavioral Change

Behavioural changes include drinking tea, pine needle tea, and MMS2 daily, consuming curry once a week, practicing foot immersion in salty water with vinegar almost daily, earthing, and intermittent fasting for 16 hours once a week, while engaging in reading the Bible, praying, and singing psalms.

·        The Third Category: Choosing Healthy Foods

Healthy foods, including Master Mineral Solution (MMS2), Nattokinase, Hamssine Cheonggukjang garlic paste, Smart Food DM, green tea (rich in Epigallocatechin-3-gallate), pine needle extract (rich in Suramin), pineapple (rich in Bromelain), curry (rich in turmeric or curcumin), cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, peanuts, and wines (rich in resveratrol), were helpful in healing and recovering from long COVID syndrome, shedding,  and/or from the sequelae of experimental COVID-19.


2)    Blood toxicology tests for evaluating and monitoring long COVID (SARS-CoV-2) shedding and/or COVID-19 sequelae

There are various ways to evaluate and follow up on patients' conditions with sequelae of COVID-19 experimental injections, shedding, and long COVID syndrome. Although worldwide consensus may be necessary, Table 2 is presented as a prototype of blood toxicology tests for this purpose. Additionally, the author's healing protocols and blood toxicology tests may help in treating, healing, and monitoring diseases caused by other single-stranded RNA viruses that share similar RNA-dependent RNA polymerases for their replication and transcription. Single-stranded RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, Influenza virus, Respiratory Syncytial virus, Nipah virus, Ebola virus, or Marburg virus are included in this category Lai et al. (1984). The author suggests that a massive invasion of these single-stranded RNA viruses and Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs, including 5G) could lead to a future WHO Pandemic Treaty/Agreement, which may be enacted under the false flag of a X pandemic. However, these pandemic agents can be more effectively treated and healed using the healing protocols rather than future bio-weaponized experimental injections, patches, or other forms of foreign substances that enter our bodies. The blood toxicology test can serve as a valuable tool to evaluate and monitor these diseases or invasions of “Disease X”.



The author received no royalties or financial support for this work from any research societies and institutions. He received grateful encouragement from grassroots people of the Republic of Korea and God. 



The author acknowledges God, which leads me to this point: the Korean Nobel Research Center, which courageously upheld the healing methods for the sequelae of COVID-19 experimental jabs in a time and a world where information about COVID-19 experimental injections and their sequelae is being negated. The author gratefully acknowledges the substantial recommendations and advice provided by IJVTPR Editor-in-Chief Dr John Oller and editorial coordinator Ms Sasha Sims. The first category methods were introduced by Dr Carrie Madej, Dr Vladimir Zelenko, Dr Harvey Risch, and doctors of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Many pioneers who rightly guided the world in the COVID-19 experimental injection-sequelae field were Dr Peter McCullough, Ariyana Love, Karen Kingston, doctors of the La Quinta Columna, Dr Ricardo Delgado Martin (79.202.099N), Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, and by many other healers in the world. The author gives honor to these researchers and doctors. The author also tips his hat to civil rights activists for their work on all kinds of healing methods to recover from the damages caused by COVID-19 experimental injections and for their wonderful rallies to uphold human DNA and human rights.



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