
A short Review on Ayurvedic Approach towards the maintenance of personal hygiene


Dr. Dnyaneshwar Kantaram Jadhav 1, Dr. Rupesh Deelipkumar Bora 2, Dr. Sankalp Shyam Bawiskar 3


1 Associate Professor of Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Shri Dhanwantari Ayurved Medical College and Research Center, Mathura, India

2 Associate Professor of Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Shivajirao Pawar Ayurvedic Medical College, Pachegaon, India

3 HOD and Professor of Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Shri Dhanwantari Ayurved Medical College and Research Center, Mathura, India


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Ayurveda not only a healing system but also it is a living style. So to protect the health and achieve the long life one should follow the some regiments describe in Ayurveda. That is daily regimens and seasonal regimens.

During covid-19 whole world suffering from several illness that time only personal and social hygiene play major role. All these hygiene guidelines mentioned in Ayurveda. Personal guidelines mentioned under title of dincharya. In this review study will focus on Ayurvedic Approach towards the maintenance of personal hygiene.


Received 20 March 2024

Accepted 22 April 2024

Published 09 May 2024

Corresponding Author

Dr. Dnyaneshwar Kantaram jadhav,

DOI 10.29121/granthaalayah.v12.i4.2024.5622  

Funding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Copyright: © 2024 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the license CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute, and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.


Keywords: Ayurveda, Personal Hygiene, Dincharya





Prevention is better than cure. If mental, personal, and public hygiene is exercised, diseases can be safely avoided. Discipline, decency and devotion will help to maintain the equilibrium of body, mind and soul and develop resistance power to fight any disease.

·        PRATARUTTANAM Garde (2009) (Wake up Early Morning)

One should wake up at early in the morning. That particular time is known as “BRAHMA MUHUTRA” that is 48 min before sunrise. That particular atmosphere will give calmness to mind and brain. This is the best time for learning. It will increases the life span.

·        MALMUTRA VISARJANA Garde (2009): (Eliminate urine and stool)

After prataruttanam one should eliminate urine and stool properly. its important that one should not avoid natural argues.

·        DANTHA DHAVANA Garde (2009) (Brushing)

After the elimination the waste from the body, one should clean the teeth. For that purpose some medicinal herbs are using e.g : Arka (calotropis gigantean), karanja (pongamia pinnata), nygrodha (ficus bengalyansis ), khadir (acasia catechu).the herbal toothbrush should have the bitter, astringent or pungent taste. Indigestion, vomiting, breathlessness, cough, fever, facial palsy, excess thirst, stomatitis, heart disease, eye and head disease are contraindication of dantadhavana. People suffering from above disease are advices to do not do brushing.

·        ANJANA Garde (2009) (Application of collyrium)

One should apply souveeranjana daily. This will improve eyesight. Weekly one should apply rasanjana.

·        NASYA Garde (2009) (Nasal medication)

After anajana one should go for nasya for purification of head and sinuses. It can prevent and cure all the disease above the neck. Daily one should put the oil 2drops in each nostril. It will restore the health, age, and prevents the hair fall and graying hair.

·        GANDUSH  Garde (2009) (Gargling)

Medicated oil or herbal decoction etc holding in the mouth without movement is known as gandush. This is good for teeth, throat, gums, and buccal mucosa.

·        DHOOM  Garde (2009) (Medicated smoking)

Medicinal herbs are made into paste and make them wick like structure, then lightened the wick. Take the fumes inside through the nostril and leave the smoke through the mouth.

·        THAMBOOL  Garde (2009) (Eating of paan)

After dhoompana one should go chew the medicated paan. Betel leaf, aracanut, ela, clove, myristica, yestimadhu etc are using. This is good for mouth, teeth, increases the taste and cure bad breath. Person who have chest injury, bleeding disorders are contraindicated for eat thambool

·        ABHYANGA  Garde (2009) (oil massage)

After chew one should undergo for oil massage. It will restore age, prevent wrinkles, improves circulation, stimulate nervous system, well for eye and sleep and it will restore health. Lightness of body, increases capacity for work, improve digestive power, reduced fat and develops muscle tissue. Kapahaja disease and indigestion are contraindication for abhynga.

·        UDWARTHANA  Garde (2009)

In excess kapha condition and fattier person udwarthna can be will reduce the fat and kapha disease, improve complexion and digestive fire.


·        VYAYAMA  Garde (2009) (Exercise)

After abhyanga or udwarthna one should do exercise. That will improve the body, give strength and stimulate all systems in the body.

·        SNANA  Garde (2009) (Bath)

After vyayama one should take rest and then should take bath. Improve digestion, aphrodisiac, restore energy and improve strength are benefits of snana. Facial palsy, disease of eye, disease of oral cavity, ear, loose motion, running nose, indigestion are unsuitable person for snana.



Ayurveda play major role in balance of physical as well as mental health. All dinchrya vidhies helps for this balance. This short review helpful to understand Ayurvedic Approach towards the maintenance of personal hygiene.









Garde, G. K. (2009). Sartha Vagbhat, Vagbhtakryta Ashtangrudhaya and its Marathi Translation, Sutra-Stan, (12th Ed.), Chapter 02. Verse No.05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Pune: Profesent Publishing House, 9.

Garde, G. K. (2009). Sartha Vagbhat, Vagbhtakryta Ashtangrudhaya and its Marathi Translation, Sutra-Stan, (12th Ed.), Chapter 02. Verse No.01, 02, 03, 04. Pune: Profesent Publishing House, 8.








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