
Novel Way of Determining Sum of kth powers of Natural numbers


V.R. Kalyan Kumar 1, Dr. R. Sivaraman 2


1 Independent Research Scholar, California Public University, USA

2 Associate Professor, Post Graduate and Research Department of Mathematics, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, India


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Since ancient times, mathematicians across the world have worked on different methods to find the sum of powers of natural numbers. In this paper, we are going to present the relationship between sum of kth powers of natural numbers and sum of (k–1) th powers of natural numbers using the differential operator and associated recurrence relation. Interestingly, the Bernoulli numbers which occur frequently in mathematical analysis, play an important role in establishing this relationship.


Received 21 December 2023

Accepted 22 January 2024

Published 06 February 2024

Corresponding Author

Dr. R. Sivaraman,

DOI 10.29121/granthaalayah.v12.i1.2024.5491  

Funding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Copyright: © 2024 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the license CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute, and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.


Keywords: Sum of Kth Powers of Natural Numbers, Differentiation, Bernoulli Numbers, Faulhaber’s Triangle


1.1.    Definition

Let us denote the sum of kth powers of first n natural numbers by




We notice that,



1.2. Differentiation of  for k ≥ 0

In view of formulas presented in Senthil et al. (2014) , we know that  is a polynomial in n of degree k + 1. Hence  is differentiable for each k ≥ 0. We now differentiate  for few values of k to notice some pattern.  


For k = 0, we know that


Hence,  (                                                                                                            (2)


Now, for k = 1, =  n2 +   n


Differentiating and simplifying we get


( n +    =                                                                                                      (3)


For k = 2,  n +    n2 +   n3 


Differentiating and simplifying we get


(   + n + n2 =                                                                                          (4)


For k = 3,  n2   n3   n4


Differentiating and simplifying we get


(   n   n2  n3  = 3                                                                         (5)


For k = 4,   n n3  n4   n5


Differentiating and simplifying we get


( n2n3n4  = 4                                                   (6)


By observing equations from (3) to (6), we could see that differential of sum of kth powers of natural numbers is equal to k times sum of (k1)th powers of natural numbers plus a constant. But what are those constants? To see this, we make the following definition.




1.3. Definition of Bernoulli Numbers

Bernoulli Numbers are numbers which occur as coefficients of  in the Taylor’s series expansion of  about x = 0. We denote the nth Bernoulli Number by . For knowing more about Bernoulli numbers and their properties see Sivaraman (2020)   


Thus, by definition we get                                                                 (7)


We notice that the constant term of  is 1 and so we obtain.


In view of Sivaraman (2020), we know that the Bernoulli numbers satisfy the equation




Using the fact that B0 = 1 and (8), the first few Bernoulli numbers are given by




1.4. Construction of Faulhaber’s Triangle        

We now construct a triangle of numbers whose entries are denoted by T(p,q) where q = 0,1,2,3,…,p. Here p denote the row beginning from 0 and q denote the column beginning with 0 and ending with p for given value of  p.  The entry of row 0 should be 1. That is, T(0,0) = 1. Assuming that row p – 1 is known, the entries in the pth row is given by the formula



Equation (10) is used to compute T(p,1) up to T(p,p).

The entries in the pth row, first column is calculated in such a way that the row sum is always 1. That is, we should have



Equations (10) and (11) are used to construct the following triangle up to first eleven rows. 

Figure 1

Figure 1 Faulhaber Triangle


From (9) and column 0 of Figure 1, we notice that T(k,0) = Bk, where Bk is the kth Bernoulli number.  For knowing more about Faulhaber’s Triangle and its entries see Sivaraman (2020).


Generalizing equations (3) to (6), I now prove the following important theorem.


1.5. Theorem 1

If  is sum of kth powers of natural numbers, then


 (                                                                                                (12)


where Bk is the kth Bernoulli number. 


Proof: In view of Faulhaber’s Formula presented in Sivaraman (2020), we notice that


 =  +  +  + + +...++                                       (13)


Differentiating the expression on both sides of (13) and simplifying we get


(+++   +


=  +(14)


But from (13), we notice that



   =   +  +  + + + + +                            (15)


We now notice that the coefficients in  and in terms of entries of Faulhaber’s Triangle are given by



Now using (10), (16) and (17), we deduce the following



Substituting (15) and (18) in (14), we get


( + Bk

Hence, we obtain (


This completes the proof.


2. Conclusion

In this paper, using the concepts of Bernoulli numbers and Faulhaber’s Triangle, we have provided a novel method by proving a theorem that the derivative of sum of kth powers of first n natural numbers is k times the sum of (k1)th powers of first n natural numbers plus the kth Bernoulli number. This differential recurrence relation between successive powers of sum of first n natural numbers is very important in the sense that it helps us to obtain  knowing  and Bernoulli numbers.









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