
Misuse of Advanced Satellite Technology to Accelerate Man-made flash floods


Md Rahimullah Miah 1, 6 Icon

Description automatically generated , Md Mehedi Hasan 2, Jorin Tasnim Parisha 3Icon

Description automatically generated, Md Bodrul Huda 4, Md Sher-E-Alam 5, Alexander Kiew Sayok 6 Icon

Description automatically generated,  Md Shoaibur Rahman 7, Md. Amir Sharif  8, Mohammad Belal Uddin 9, Shahriar Hussain Chowdhury 10, Md Amanullah Bhuiyan 11


1 Head, Department of IT in Health, Northeast Medical College, and Hospital, Affiliated to Sylhet Medical University, Sylhet, Bangladesh. and PhD Awardee from the IBEC, UNIMAS, Sarawak, Malaysia

2 Department of Law, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

3 Government Satis Chandra Girls’ High School, Sunamganj Sadar, Sunamganj, Bangladesh

4 Department of Environment, Sylhet Region, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh

5 Department of Law and Justice, Metropolitan University, Sylhet, Bangladesh

6 IBEC, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia

7 Department of Agroforestry and Environment, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh

8 Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh

9 Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

10 Department of Dermatology & Venereology, Northeast Medical College, and Hospital, Affiliated to Sylhet Medical University, Sylhet, Bangladesh

11 Senior Officer, Janata Bank Limited, Sylhet, Bangladesh


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There is no doubt that it is world-class innovative scientific research in advanced technology. This research on flood is unique, which will open many research doors for current and future generations. Rain falling from the sky to the earth is certainly a blessing for mankind but when a flash flood occurs with human controlled technology, it is painful for all. Studies have shown that the misuse of satellite technology has caused massive damage in man-made flash-floods, cyclones, tornadoes and other disasters. Due to these sudden floods, human suffering increases, educational institutions are closed, road communication systems are cut off, crop lands and residential areas are submerged, many people and animals lose their lives. A climate crime group uses satellite technology to trigger flash floods by tracking wireless sensors to specific GPS locations around the world. The study shows that the weather department can control flash-floods from forecast signals before the flood starts. If higher authorities completely shut down all connections including satellite networks, mobile phone networks, and GPS location wireless networks for 5-25 minutes through a specific network control unit, cyber criminals will not be able to control the flood and flash floods in the area will cease. Sensor floods, electromagnetic water bubbles, heatwaves, landslides and sinkholes do not occur at specific GPS locations because the cloud network temporarily closes flood-prone areas, thereby saving many lives.


Received 28 February 2023

Accepted 30 March 2023

Published 14 April 2023

Corresponding Author

Dr Md Rahimullah Miah,

DOI 10.29121/granthaalayah.v11.i3.2023.5058  

Funding: This research work is a part of PhD Thesis, which was funded by the Zamalah Postgraduate Scholarship of UNIMAS, Malaysia and also sponsored by the Information and Communication Technology Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The funders had no role in the design of the research, in data collection, analyses or final interpretation of data, in the writings of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the findings.

Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the license CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute, and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.

Keywords: Advanced Technology, Man-Made Flash Flood, GPS Location, Tracking



Today's increasingly unpredictable global flood crisis is rooted in the misuse of advanced satellite technology. A class of people, known as cloud climate criminals, are responsible for increasing this unwanted flush flood Miah et al. (2021d). Almost all the people of the world are using advanced satellite technology and the misuse of this technology is causing harm to people, animals, plants etc., but no one is fully aware of the effects of increasing abnormal flash floods. Others blame nature for this. So, when will they all be aware? The question of when secure satellite technology will become user-friendly for all is difficult to answer. Flash floods, cyclones, tornadoes, heatwaves Miah et al. (2022), extreme cold, wildfires, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, sinkholes, and sudden pandemics are increasing in many countries around the world. Many are affected, some of them are terrified, many are speechless in protest, and some are crying out for a remedy. But the description of events at a specific GPS location is surprising from all events in past history. Policymakers, scientists, researchers are eagerly looking for solutions to this problem, but many of them are still in the dark due to the lack of new technological knowledge.

Man-made technological pandemics are COVID-19 Miah et al. (2022), Miah et al. (2022), Miah et al. (2021h) , cardiac arrest Miah et al. (2022b), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Miah et al. (2022a), dengue Miah et al. (2023) and cancer Miah et al. (2023) etc. The climate crisis has provided insight into Earth system responses to external electromagnetic and gravitational forcing Miah et al. (2021), Osman (2021). The world and its population face an existential threat due to the increasing misuse of advanced technology [Parisha et al. (2022), De Castro et al. (2022)]. Flash flood crises caused by misuse of satellite technology have provided insight into Earth system responses to external electromagnetic and gravitational forcing Miah et al. (2021d). Compared to the previous years, the number of floods increased in the following years, the lives of innocent people became painful, and for many, this flood was like a deadly curse. Flood-prone areas cause massive loss of life and property. Administration and development agencies struggle to deal with flash-floods, heatwaves, famine looms all around Miah et al. (2022). The flood submerged most of the country, and many people and animals died of waterlogging, causing outbreaks of environmental diseases, particularly CASSID (Common Acute Sensor Sudden Infection and Disorder) along with sensor diabetes, dermal disease, liver cirrhosis, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, sudden dysentery, onset tracheal disorder, fever [Miah et al. (2022), Miah et al. (2023)], diarrhea, Alzheimer’s disease and malaria etc.

The aim of the study is to exploit uncontrolled satellite technology to cause man-made flash floods at a specific GPS location.


2. Materials and Methods

The materials and methods included different study sites, multidata methodology, data sampling and design, global data collection, data compilation and data analysis for interpretation, which were followed by the methods listed below published in various journals.

Published paper 1: (Climate effect on health)

Published paper 2: (Sensor technological effect on animals)

Published paper 3: (Sensor numbness)

Published paper 4: (Sensor diabetes)

Published paper 5: (Frequent diabetes)

Published paper 6: (Sensor Cardiac arrest)

Published paper 7: (Sensor ARDS)

Published paper-8: (COVID-19 long-term)

Published paper 9: (Myths about Coronavirus)

Published paper 10:


Qualitative and quantitative socio-economic data related to flash floods, climate change, heat waves, health care services were collected through field survey, laboratory tests, observations, interviews, and informal communication with relevant stakeholders, while secondary data was obtained from various sources.


3. Results and Discussion

Studies have shown various effects of man-made flash floods including pandemics at specific GPS locations due to misuse of advanced satellite technology., which as shown in Figure 1. The study included different characteristics of sudden flash flood, such as:

(i) Sensor sinkhole, (ii) Sensor flash flooding, (iii) Sensor cloud blocking, (iv) Sensor satellite Imaging, (v) Fixation of GPS location selecting, (vi) Sensor land area fracturing, (vii) Flooded area digital poisoning, (viii) Sensor water floating, (ix) Sensor electromagnetic bubble, (x) Setting up Sensor sleeping among flooded people, (xi) Sudden falling down and landslide, (xii) Sensor Thunder Storm, and (xiii) Digital killing etc.


3.1. Sensor Sinkhole

The study showed the artificial sinkhole, which is created through tracking with advanced satellite technology (Figure 1). The study illustrated the sensor sinkhole enhanced water flow at the GPS location in man-made flash flood prone areas.






Figure 1


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Figure 1 Sensor Sinkhole Due to Tracking with Advanced Satellite Technology


3.2. Sensor Flash Flood

The study showed the sensor flash flood due to tracking with advanced satellite technology, which as shown in Figure 2. The study illustrated the sensor flash flood enhanced unexpected speedy water flow at the particular GPS location and floated everything from flood prone area to downstream.




Figure 2


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Figure 2 Man-Made Technological Flood Due to Tracking Towards Clouds with Satellite Technology


3.3. Electromagnetic Water Bubble

The study showed the electromagnetic water bubble due to tracking with advanced satellite technology, which as shown in Figure 3. The study illustrated the electromagnetic bubble due to creating an electromagnetic field, electromagnetic needle towards adjacent waterbody to enhance unexpected flash flood flow at the specific GPS location and flooded everything from upper stream area to downstream.




Figure 3


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Figure 3 Sensor Electromagnetic Water Bubble Due to Tracking with Advanced Satellite Technology


3.4. Man-made flash flood devastation

The study showed man-made flash flood devastation is dangerous due to increasing electromagnetic water bubbles with advanced satellite technology, which as shown in Figure 4. The flood prone area devastated everything from upper stream area to downstream due to unexpected flash flood flow at the specific GPS location.



Figure 4


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Figure 4 Man-Made Flash Flood Devastating Scenery at Flood Prone Area


It causes severe damage due to heavy or excessive rainfall over a short period of time, usually less than 4-6 hours, which is usually driven by strong currents after heavy rainfall. These flash floods wash away riverbeds, wetland resources, culverts or bridges, urban roads, or mountain canyons before anything gets in the way of public access to the area. In 2022, an estimated 7.2 million people were affected by man-made engineered flash floods and waterlogging in the nine northeastern districts of Sylhet, Sunamganj, Moulvibazar, Habiganj, Kishoreganj and Netrakona, Brahmanbaria, Mymensingh and Sherpur in Bangladesh Relief Web. (2022). Roads were extensively damaged and the communication system was disrupted accidentally. Severe food shortages occurred Floods caused by cyclones are considered to be the worst disasters in recent times. Many do not know the cause of this flood, many give wrong information, and blame nature for this flood. Allah (God) says: "I send down water from the sky in quantity, then I store it in the earth, and I am able to remove it" (verse 18, Surah Al Mu'minun). As much water as the earth's people, plants, animals and soil needs, Allah (God) gives it through rain, neither less nor more - so that flash flood is difficult for everyone to live. From this study, it may be understood that rain is given by Almighty Allah, and harmful floods are man-made through technology, which is known from research Miah et al. (2022).

Human beings, plants, animals, and other living beings are not safe due to misuse of advanced wireless sensor devices Parisha et al. (2022). Advanced technology is inevitable for today’s world and more or less everyone is dependent on this technology. But some climate criminals misuse satellite technology to crush clouds moving at specific GPS locations, the shattered clouds quickly melt and fall as rain on the earth's surface. Cyber criminals create artificial floods and landslides in specific areas by tracking wireless sensors in real time through active cloud networks (Figure 5).

Figure 5

Diagram, website

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Figure 5 Man-Made Technological Landslide Due to Misuse of Advanced Satellite Technology


As long as the sensor tracking device is switched-on when the network is active, rain will fall from the sky according to the distributed radio frequency range. Again, a group of cybercriminals spread false information about the source of the flood on social media, spreading confusion among the general public. On the other hand, the suffering of the people due to flash floods increased and new and wider areas were inundated with flood water. On the other hand, cybercriminals disrupt mobile phone and internet communications through wireless tracking, leaving flood-prone areas isolated from social media, print media and administration without outside help, and making it difficult to rescue people and animals in flooded areas. In the midst of the pandemic coronavirus crisis, this flood suddenly appeared as a blow to the dead in certain areas. The whole world is going through an extreme crisis with Corona, floods, digital crime, and heatwaves Miah et al. (2021)  [Figure 6]. Cyber climate criminals are an invisible enemy fighting against the pandemic coronavirus disease at flood prone areas due to wireless tracking towards people and animals.  The procession of people affected and killed due to various reasons is getting longer day by day Miah et al. (2021), the darkness is getting closer in the shadow of the cries.












Figure 6


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Figure 6 Man-Made Technological Heatwave Due to Misuse of Wireless Sensor Technology


The challenge of the sudden climate crisis is global. Studies have shown that the current crisis is a severe man-made climate crisis due to misuse of advanced satellite technology, resulting in flash-floods, cyclones, tornadoes, landslides, heat waves and epidemic diseases. Although most people in the world are not aware of these abuses, they are all closely related to advanced technology and are limited in knowledge [Miah et al. (2022), Miah et al. (2022), Miah et al. (2021), Miah et al. (2022), Miah et al. (2022), Miah et al. (2023)]. The only way out of this crisis is to ensure secure wireless sensor networks everywhere, enabling safe use, control of GPS sensors and effective global navigation satellite systems. Higher authorities will ensure legal action and speedy prosecution of climate criminals. It is essential to form a coordinated task force for climate mitigation through safe technologies with public participation, so that the present and future world is peaceful and livable.

The flash-flood crisis is easy to mitigate with the CMAST model, which implies climate mitigation with advanced sensor technology Miah et al. (2021d). Climate department authorities can monitor man-made flood conditions through flush flood alarm sensor devices. In case of flash flood at GPS location, the flood crisis area will monitor through the network control unit and according to the monitoring report, all types of networks in the area especially wireless network, remote sensing satellite, telephone network, Wi. -Fi network and wireless sensor network will be completely shut down for 30 minutes If shut down, the cloud network system of climate criminals will also be shut down, thereby controlling floods, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, landslides in the area. Due to effective monitoring, the existing weather office and security forces must be honest, dedicated, and brave, otherwise cyber criminals will conspire to appoint a member of the cybercriminal group to that position, so the crime of climate criminal will not be eradicated easily. All aspects of the environment, climate and technology sectors need to ensure the participation of competent people and be aware of this Miah et al.  (2023), Miah et al. (2023), Miah et al. (2023).

Climate criminals Md Hatim Ali, Md Jasim Uddin, Nizam Uddin, Candle Taj, and their associates will be arrested by the police department and Interpol. The administration will give exemplary punishment so that no other climate criminals can spread their influence. On the other hand, the United Nations and its agencies will ensure safe satellite technology for each member state.


4. Conclusion

Finally, the study noted the misuse of advanced technology for flash flooding at specific GPS locations. The study suggests future research trajectories for a dynamic alternative approach to ensure safe advanced satellite technology through effective means of sustaining the livelihoods of organisms linking to national policies and the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.


5. Declaration

5.1. Data Availability

The data being used to support the findings of this research work are available from the corresponding author upon request.



The authors declare no potential conflict of interests in this research work. 



The authors acknowledged the authority of Universiti of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Malaysia for providing the Zamalah Postgraduate Scholarship for the completion of PhD degree. The authors are also grateful to the authority of the Information and Communication Technology Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, for PhD Fellowship during the higher study in Malaysia. The authors acknowledged the authority of Northeast Medical College & Hospital (NEMCH), affiliated with Sylhet Medical University at Sylhet in Bangladesh for kind support. The authors also acknowledged the higher authority of the Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh for providing the first prize 2022 in Sylhet Division for the Contribution on Environment Research.



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