


Jessy Jousina Pondaag 1, Djurwati Soepeno 2, Genita Gracia Lumintang 3


1,2,3 Department of Management, Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia


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This type of research is a quantitative research. The research location was carried out at the Paal Beach tourism object, which is located in Marinsow Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method.

Researchers took a sample of 100 respondents. Data collection methods through observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using scoring techniques, as well as SWOT analysis.

The results showed that the supporting factors for the development of Paal Beach tourism objects were the attractiveness of Paal Beach tourism objects with the beautiful white sand and sea, as well as good road accessibility. Factors inhibiting development are old and lacking infrastructure such as public toilets and lodging, the absence of public transportation, and the lack of supporting facilities such as hotel communications and restaurants around tourist attractions. The tourism development strategy based on the SWOT analysis is in quadrant I, the strategy recommendations given are Progressive. The right strategy to be carried out at the Paal Beach tourism object is to maintain the beauty of the beach, increase the number of places selling souvenirs typical of the region, build

basic infrastructure facilities at tourist sites and make maximum use of existing human resources and intensify promotions and build adequate and easy accessibility visitors.


Received 03 September 2023

Accepted 04 October 2023

Published 31 October 2023

Corresponding Author

Jessy Jousina Pondaag,

DOI 10.29121/granthaalayah.v11.i10.2023.4895  

Funding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the license CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute, and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.


Keywords: SWOT Analysis, North Minahasa


Increasing the efficiency of global transportation and increasing the equality of people global Becomes reason main development industry tourist which enough rapidly moment this Hubers and Bennett (2003). Data for 2010 shows the total number of tourist arrivals internationally reached 940 million reflecting a growth of 6.6% over the previous year 2009 World Tourism Organization. (2011).

North Minahasa Regency is one of 15 Regencies/Cities in North Sulawesi Province with the capital Airmadidi around 19 km from Manado. Area this is expansion from Regency Minahasa with large region 1,261 km2 with amount population 224,381 soul. Based on condition geographical as well as factor existing supporters, North Minahasa Tourism is very potential as a tourist attraction such as; tour natural, nautical as well as relic history and culture area. By more Specific a number of location tourism (nautical tourism) there is which can be mentioned is:

1)    Paradise Beach and Stone Miss Beach

Paradise beach and Beach Stone Miss located in village Come on 15 km from Airmadidi, have area beach tourism with the existence of lodges also often held windsurfing and boxing competitions beach. there is also a shaped stone woman who known with Stone Miss.

2)    Lihaga Island

Island See located in Subdistrict Likupang, Regency Minahasa North, Province Sulawesi North, White sandy beaches with beautiful and natural marine gardens will tempt you to swimming, snorkel or diving. Island See can in travel from manado going to Likupang around 60 minutes, while From Likupang or to be precise from the port of Serei, the trip to the island is only taken around 15 minutes with using a fishing boat local.

3)    Gangga Island

This island is located about 60 km from Manado, precisely in the West Likupang sub-district. Ganges Island which has fine white sand and clean sea background. In the water area In this Gangga Island, there is a marine park which is rich in fish species and other marine biota has become a target for international divers. Enjoying the beautiful marine park in the afternoon day, rest at night at Gangga Island Resort and Spa while enjoying the panoramic view gone peerless. Facility which there is in resort this that is house wood custom Minahasa be equipped TV with network international, pool swimming, restaurant and bar with fine dining Indonesia and international, boutique, spa and diving

4)    Bangka Island

This island is located in the district. East Likupang approximately 60 minutes drive from Kota Manado. Then through sea with motorcycle boats around 30-40 minute. Island Bangka with sand white which beautiful, letary, fertile, congested and unique also is Paradise sea because keep thousands charm garden sea which have corals which colored colorful where there is hundreds type fish ornamental various variety which life on reef coral which spectacular, Island Bangka also have various variety of birds including bird Maleo.

5)    Pall Beach

Pal Beach is located in Marinsow Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency. Travel to Pal Beach from Manado City ±1 hour. The stretch of white sand and challenging waves and beautiful open sea views make this beach called the Bali of North Sulawesi. Besides enjoying the pristine beaches, you can choose activities that trigger adrenaline. Just pay IDR 25 thousand per person, the thrill of the challenge with Banana Boat Sport Air and UFO Boat will be an interesting challenge. However, it is recommended only for visitors who can swim to try these two types of water sports.

6)    Kinunang Beach

Kinunang Beach, which is on the Pulisan Coast line, was proclaimed as a Culinary Snack Center and KEK Likupang Souvenirs.

The blue beach combined with white sand immediately attracts anyone who comes to Kinunang Beach in Likupang Village

7)    Pulisan Beach

Pulisan Beach is a white sand beach located in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. The distance between this beach and Manado City is 58.5 kilometers. Without calculating the possibility of traffic jams, this distance can be covered in 1 hour 45 minutes. Pulisan Beach is known as " the hidden paradise". This title is given because of the hidden location of this beach. Apart from its natural beauty, here is a brief description of the attractiveness and uniqueness of Andalas Minut beach.



2.1. Theoretical basis

2.1.1.  Tourism and Tourists

Tourism (tourism) is a trip that is carried out temporarily, which is held from one place to another, with the intention not to try (business) or make a living in the place visited, but solely to enjoy the trip, for the first time and recreation or fulfill various desires Yoeti (1980). In general, tourism is all activities in society related to tourists Soekadijo (2000).

In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 1990 concerning Tourism, what is meant by tourists are people who carry out tourism activities (Directorate General of Tourism 1990). As for the Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia No. 9 of 1969 it is written in Chapter I Article 1, that a tourist (Tourist) is anyone who travels from his place of residence to visit other places by enjoying the trip and visit Soekadijo (2000).


2.1.2.  Tourism Development

Tourism is often perceived as an economic engine that generates foreign exchange for economic development in a country, Indonesia is no exception. However, in principle, tourism has a broader spectrum of fundamental development for a country. The term tourism (tourism) only appeared in society in the 18th century, especially after the industrial revolution in England. The term tourism comes from the implementation of tourism activities (tour) which is an activity of changing a person's temporary residence, outside the daily residence with something that can generate wages or salaries. Muljadi (2002).


2.1.3.  National Competitive Advantages

Why can companies located in certain regions/countries create and maintain a competitive advantage over other companies? This question was answered by Porter who stated that competitive advantage was created and maintained through the localization process. Companies can choose countries that provide benefits or have a positive influence on dynamic competition. Differences in the national economic structure, values, cultures, institutions, and history of a country make a major contribution to competitive success. For this reason, companies must be able to understand what is meant by home nation/home base which is a crucial factor in determining the ability or inability to create and maintain competitive advantage in the international environment.






The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Satori and Komariah (2014) explain that in a qualitative study, the data obtained is described in a narrative manner to facilitate the process of analyzing the various symptoms and phenomena found.

The research was focused on Paal Beach which is located in Marinsow Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. This area is famous for its natural beauty to attract tourists to visit. Data were obtained through interviews with the North Minahasa Regency Tourism Office, people who live in Marinsow Village, and also tourists who have visited this tourist destination.

To analyze the collected data, the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis method was implemented to formulate the recommended development strategy. Christiani and Adikampana (2014) emphasize that by using SWOT analysis, an institution can develop an optimal strategy by maximizing the strengths and opportunities it has and at the same time minimizing the weaknesses and threats that exist. Trishatanto et al. (2018) states that the strategy matrix which is the output of the SWOT analysis produces four types of strategies, namely: (1) SO Strategy, Optimizing strengths and at the same time taking advantage of existing opportunities, (2) ST Strategy, Existing strengths are used to minimize the impact of threats, (3) WO Strategy, Weaknesses are covered by optimizing opportunities and (4) WT Strategy, a defensive strategy, which simultaneously mitigates threats and minimizes weaknesses.



4.1. Paal beach overview

Paal Beach is located in Marinsow Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. Paal Beach is 55 km from Manado City (about 90 minutes drive) and 32 km from Bitung City (about 50 minutes drive). North Minahasa Regency consists of ten sub-districts, namely Airmadidi, Dimembe, Kalawat, Kauditan, Kema, West Likupang, South Likupang, East Likupang, Talawaan, and Wori.

The sub-districts of West Likupang, South Likupang and East Likupang were formerly one sub- district, namely Likupang (Raya). There are two new districts that are being proposed, namely Likupang Tengah (Main) and Likupang Kepulauan, in connection with preparations for the division of Likupang Raya into a new municipality/regency. One thing that is interesting, Likupang Raya (formerly called Linekepan) is one of the Five Super Priority Destinations proclaimed by the government. The other four are Lake Toba, Borobudur, Mandalika and Labuan Bajo. In essence, the government wants to make these five areas "New Bali".

Paal Beach is famous for having white sandy beaches which are an attraction for domestic and international tourists. Paal Beach is a tourist destination that is visited by many visitors from North Minahasa and from outside North Minahasa . The beach with white sand and clear blue sea is the main attraction for visitors. Moreover, coupled with trees that make the air around it cool like being in the mountains

Internal factors

Internal factors that support is the attractiveness of tourism objects which include air conditions, water quality. Facilities and infrastructure are parking lots, places to relax/rest. Human resources, namely the level of education of managers, attitudes of managers, the role of the community. Internal factors that become obstacles are facilities and infrastructure, namely food stalls and souvenir shops.

External Factors

External factors that are supporting are accessibility, namely road conditions, obstacles are accessibility, namely public transportation and distance from the city center, supporting facilities around tourism objects, namely health facilities, communication facilities, hotels/lodging and restaurants/restaurants.

SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) Paal Beach Tourism.

SWOT analysis is a technique that can support the development of Pal Beach tourism objects. SWOT components include strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The four SWOT components need to get attention so that they can assist the process of developing tourism objects.

Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE)

Identifying internal factors needs to be done to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the Paal Beach tourism object. Information about the internal conditions of the Paal Beach tourism object was obtained through a questionnaire with tourists and managers of the Paal Beach tourism object. Internal factors related to the variables of tourist attraction, facilities and infrastructure, ticket prices are obtained from tourists, while human resources, promotions are obtained from tourism object managers. The results of the IFE matrix can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1

Table 1 IFE Matrix Paal Beach Tourism Object

No.     Internal strategic factors


1.        There is a large parking area

2.        Has a place to relax in the form of a gazebo.

3.         Have a clean food stall

4.         Friendly management attitude.

5.        The role of the community who manages the parking lot.

6.        The white sand is the main attraction

7.        Water games like Banan Boat etc

8.        Take a boat trip to see more of Paal Beach


1.        There is still a lack of cleanliness in tourist sites.

2.        There is still a lack of public toilet facilities.

3.        Ayng wide parking but not regular

4.         Lack of shopping places to be used as souvenirs


External Factor Evaluation (EFE)

Identifying external factors needs to be done to find out the opportunities and threats that Paal Beach tourism objects have. Information regarding the external conditions of Paal Beach tourism objects was obtained through questionnaires to tourists and tourism managers. External factors include accessibility and supporting facilities. The results of the EFE matrix can be seen in Table 2



 Table 2

Table 2 EFE Matrix of Paal. Beach Tourism Objects

No.     External strategy factors


1.        Scheduled cultural activities at tourist attractions

2.         Have a good and wide road condition

3.        The active role of the surrounding community so as to support the development of tourism objects


1.        There is no public transportation to the location of the Paal Beach tourist attraction

2.        Lack of supporting facilities around tourist attractions. such as health facilities

3.        Signal at the location of tourism is not good.

4.         Lack of hotels and restaurants around tourist attractions.


The SWOT analysis for the development of the Paal Beach tourism object with the SO (strength- topportunities) strategy, the WO (weak-opportunities) strategy, the ST (strength-thread) strategy and the WT (weakness-thread) strategy, yields the following results:


·        Holding cultural events at tourist sites as additional tourist attractions.

·        Using all existing promotional media in order to reach all levels of society.

·        Utilize tourist sites by adding and improving facilities and infrastructure such as gazebos or restaurants at tourist sites.

·        Take advantage of the role of the surrounding community so that it can help tourism competitiveness


·        The need for more attention to the cleanliness sector such as the addition of janitors and trash cans.

·        Repair and add facilities and infrastructure such as public toilets and lodging.

·        He considered more about the price of admission and parking so that it could be cheaper and satisfy visitors


·        Paal Beach tourist attraction has a unique tourist attraction, namely a beach with white sand and a place to see clearly Sunset

·        There needs to be public transportation so that it makes it easier for visitors who do not use private vehicles.

·        Utilizing the role of the surrounding community and the government to fulfill the supporting facilities that exist around the Paal Beach tourism object, hotels and restaurants.


·        Utilizing cultural tourism attractions that are characteristic of the region through promotions so that they can attract visitors from remote locations.

·        Adding facilities and infrastructure in the location of tourist objects such as communication facilities because the area around the location is not yet supported.


The success or failure of tourism depends on the availability of tourist attractions and tourist objects, accessibility in the form of transportation facilities and infrastructure that allows tourists to visit tourist attractions even if they do not have a private car. as well as the existence of tourism facilities that can provide services to the community or tourists. Tourism is one of the new-style industries capable of providing rapid economic growth in terms of employment opportunities, income, standard of living and in activating other production sectors in tourist receiving countries Wahab Salah et al. (1992), 5.




The results of the analysis and discussion that have been described previously, then the conclusion as follows:

1)    The internal factors that support the development of tourism in Paal Beach are facilities and infrastructure such as the gazebo, human resources, the friendliness of the manager, and the active role of the surrounding community. Internal factors that hinder are basic facilities and infrastructure that are still lacking (toilets, lodging).

2)    The external factor that supports the development is the good road condition. The obstacle is the absence of public transportation to the location, which is far from the district center. Lack of supporting facilities that exist around tourism objects such as lack of health facilities, communication facilities as well as hotels and restaurants.

3)    Paal Beach tourism object is right based on SWOT analysis as measured by the quantitative method by calculating the position of the Paal Beach tourism object in quadrant I. This position indicates a strong and opportunity organization. The strategy recommendations given are Progressive, meaning that the organization is in prime condition and steady so that it is possible to continue to expand, increase growth and achieve maximum progress.



Based on these conclusions, the suggestions that need to be submitted are as follows:

1)    For Managers It is hoped that managers are able to maintain, preserve and care for Paal Beach.

2)    Increase the breakthrough activities of attractions as other attractions such as cultural events or so on.

3)    Improving the infrastructure sector for facilities and infrastructure to support the needs and satisfy visitors.

4)    For the government, in order to realize an increase in Paal Beach tourism as cultural tourism, it is hoped that the government will play an active role in its development. Participate in supporting and planning maintenance, repair and development carried out by the manager so that the Paal Beach tourism object becomes a leading cultural tourism object in North Minahasa Regency.






On this occasion, the research team would like to thank those who have given the opportunity and helped the research team in completing the research: Prof. Dr. Ir. Ellen J. Kumaat, MSc, DEA as Rector of Sam Ratulangi University Manado, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jeffry Kindangen, MSc as Chair of the Institute for Research and Community Service, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Prof. Dr. Ir. Grevo S. Gerung., M. Sc as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Sam Ratulangi University Manado. We are fully aware that this research progress report still requires suggestions for improvement, therefore all inputs that lead to the improvement of this report are welcome.



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