
  • Ni NyomanSupuwiningsih Computer System, ITB STIKOM Bali, Indonesia




GIS (Geographic Information System), ArcView, semi average methods


GIS (Geographic Information System) is an information system that can store and integrate spatial data and non-spatial data can be used for interactive mapping of STIKOM Student School origin in Denpasar. During this time the spread of origin of high school / vocational school / equivalent STIKOM Bali students has never been mapped to find out the trend of increase or decrease in the number of origin of STIKOM Bali student schools from 2013-2018 and predict the number of students in accordance with the origin of schools in the city of Denpasar. This study aims to provide information to the management of STIKOM Bali regarding the distribution trends of the interests of prospective students to continue to tertiary level, especially STIKOM Bali. This research will collaborate between statistical science and the concept of GIS (Geographic Information System). Statistically the number of STIKOM Bali students is based on the origin of schools in Denpasar City and predicts it for the next 3 years using a trend analysis of semi-average methods (Semi Average Methods) as a material for evaluating the performance of STIKOM Bali management in improving the performance of campus promotions. This method makes trends by finding the average group of data which consists of grouping data into 2 parts, calculating average arithmetic, calculating the difference, formulating the value of change and making equations for subsequent trends. The results of these calculations are mapped with the concept of GIS (Geographic Information System) using ArcView as software to implement that integrates spatial data with non-spatial data.


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How to Cite

Supuwiningsih, N. N. (2019). DISTRIBUTION TREN OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL AS ORIGIN SCHOOL OF COLLEGE STUDENT STIKOM BALI BASE GIS. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(12), 78–88. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v6.i12.2019.489

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